// 3/8/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.53: Modified parsing of "ruleset.ini" // file to support RGB values (as well as color names) // for "color" values. // 3/8/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.54: Modified get-stations-subset // implementation to remove special handling for // usage-level==off stations (allowing them to be // included in "performance"=="level" subsets). // 3/29/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.55: Modified to support dynamic changes // to stations-info config file; added new config // parameter 'ignoreUnknownFlag'; modified to supply // configured performance-level names for client // subset-of-stations criteria (instead of just // Bad/Fair/Good); modified to shutdown more cleanly; // modified to suppress spurious "FileNotFoundException" // messages to console. // 4/5/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.56: Added "not equals" option to all // subset-of-stations criteria comparisons. // 8/21/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.57: Modified to always archive station // "Performance" as a detail parameter (regardless of // 'archiveNonVotingParamsFlag' setting). // 9/24/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.58: Modified to not purge last "old" // archive file if none after it (to allow the archive // to retain the value of items that have not changed // in a relatively-long time). // 10/4/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.59: Added client-GUI-services support // for fetching an historical snapshot of dynamic // parameters for a station; modified to always // archive station "Usage Level" as a detail parameter // (regardless of 'archiveNonVotingParamsFlag' // setting); took out references to 'hardHistoryFlag'. // 10/8/2007 -- [ET] Version 1.60: Fixed issue where parameter update // would not result in station-performance level // being stored (in history archive) if a previous // station-usage change resulted in same level. // 1/25/2008 -- [ET] Version 1.61: Removed size limit (999999) on // stations-info file. // 1/28/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.62: Modified to support dynamic changes // to rule-set config file. // 2/6/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.63: Added GUI-services method // 'getAllStationsSnapshot()' to support // historical-snapshot mode on clients. // 3/23/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.64: Added station-levels cache (enabled // via 'stationLevelsCacheHours' configuration // parameter). // 5/19/2009 -- [KF] Version 1.65: Added "defaultUsageLevel" configuration // parameter. // 6/24/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.66: Modified to suppress "Data type // mismatch" rejection and warning in response to // new message data if associated parameter has no // rule-set criteria table (because data type only // matters if values are being compared to criteria // entries); changed log level on "Usage level on // station X not set" message from 'Warning' to // 'Debug2'. // 7/22/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.67: Modified to close history tracking // on station objects removed via update to // stations-info configuration file; removed // two arbitrary station-name length checks. // 11/6/2009 -- [ET] Version 1.68: Added option to load station dynamic // parameters from history archive at startup (enabled // via 'loadDynParamsFromArchiveFlag' configuration // parameter). // 1/15/2010 -- [ET] Version 1.69: Modified to sort station-detail // parameters into the same order as they appear in // the station rule-set. // 2/19/2010 -- [ET] Version 1.70: Modified rule-set processing to // support "archiveOverrideFlag" directive in // parameter-criteria definitions. // 6/29/2010 -- [ET] Version 1.71: Improved response to bad lines // history-archive files. // 7/30/2010 -- [ET] Version 1.72: Added configuration parameters // 'useSepEvtChOrbFlag' and 'evtChOrbIPAddress'. // 2/16/2011 -- [ET] Version 1.73: Modified parameter parsing to // recognize double values in the form '1e11' // (with no decimal point). // 3/18/2011 -- [ET] Version 1.74: Added configuration parameters // 'configFilePollingIntervalMS' and // 'configFileAccessTimeoutMS'; improved log // messages for errors during reads of updated // configuration files.