SNW ReftekAgent

ISTI's ReftekAgent provides a monitoring solution for RefTek RT130's being fed through an rtpd server. It allows RT130's many status parameters to be sent to a SNW server to be evaluated.

reftekagent.d - configuration file

This agent uses an Earthworm style .d file that has the following setable parameters:

Here is an example reftekagent.d file:

                 ModuleName     MOD_REFAGENT
                 RPTDport       2543
                 LoggingLevel   1
                 RingName       HYPO_RING
                 SNCLfile       reftek.scnl

                 PollInterval   600
                 AgentName      ReftekAgentEW
                 Region         NoCal
                 Installation   USGS-Menlo
StaticGetEventChannel iiop://
DynamicEventChannel iiop://
StaticEventChannel iiop://
                 DebugLogDir            /ebird/isti/log
		# 0=off, 1=stderr, 2=file
                 DebugMode              0	
                 DebugLevel             0
                DPTIMEOUT   500

Parameters output by the ReftekAgent