[TIMEOUTS] * SPTimeout - how many microsecs to wait before each SP_MSG is spewed SPTimeout=1000 * * DPTimeout - how many microsecs to wait before each DP_MSG is spewed DPTimeout=1000 * * DPFailoverTimeout - how many SECS to wait before spewing DP messages DPFailoverTimeout=30 * * DPGatherWait - how many SECS to wait before gathering all DP messages * NOTE: This value should be > N*DP where N is * the number of stations being handled by this agent DPGatherWait=60 * The following section contains Collection Agent details [STATIONS] * * Stations tells which stations to operate on * (Stations=*) means ALL stations specified in Init file * Stations=XYW,ABC,BBB,AGO * Stations=YUH,BBB,FUL,WTT * Stations=DJJB,DRC,DTP,EDW,EL2,ELC,ELR,ELS,EMS,ERP,ERR,EW2,FLL,FLS,FON,FOX,FPC,FRG,FRK,FUL,FUR,GAV,GOR,GR2,GRF,GRP,GSA,GSC,GTM,GVR,HAY,HDB,HEC,HLN,HMT,HOD,HOL,HYS,IKP,INS,IR2,IRIG2,IRS,ISA,JCS,JFP,JFS,JNH,JRC,JUL,KIK,LAF,LAQ,LAX,LCG,LDF,LEO,LEV,LFP,LGU,LKL * Stations=LLS,LRL,LRR,LTC,LTR,LUC,LUG,MAR,MDA,MEC,MGE,MIR,MIS,MLAC,MLS,MOP,MPM,MSJ,MTP,MWC,NOT,NW2,OAK,OAT,OGC,OKV,OLI,OLY,ORK,OSI,PAS,PASA,PDE,PDU,PEM,PHL,PKM,PLC,PLE,PLS,PLT,PNM,POB,PSP,PTD,QAL,RAG,RAY,RCT,RIN,RIO,RMM,RMR,RRS,RSB,RSS,RUN,RUS,RVR,RYS,SAD,SAL,SAN,SBB,SBK,SBPX,SCC,SCD,SCI,SCZ,SDD,SGL,SHE,SHO,SIL,SIM,SIO,SIP,SJU,SKY,SLA,SLC,SLG,SLP,SME,SMF,SMM,SMS,SMV,SNCC,SND,SNR,SOT,SPG,SRN,SRT,SS2,SSN,SSW,STC,STG,STS,STT,SU2,SUN,SVD,SWS,SXT,SYP,TA2,TAB,TCC,TCF,TEJ,THC,THX,TJR,TM2,TOV,TOW,TPC,TPM,TPO,USB,USC,VCS,VES,VPD,VST,VTV,VVD,WAS,WBM,WBS,WCH,WCS,WHF,WHV,WI2,WIN,WJP,WLH,WLT,WMF,WNM,WNS,WOF,WOR,WRC,WRV,WS2,WSH,WVP,WWP,XMS,XTL,YEG,YMD,YUH NetworkCode=CI * Init - points to an initialization specific file. * Init=stations.ini.test Init=/etc/stations.ini * AgentName - name of this agent AgentName=TestCA1 ########################################################## * DebugMode - set to 0 for off, 1 to spew messages to stderr, 2 to file DebugMode=1 * DebugLevel - set to the level of debug you want 0-3, higher == more verbose * 0 = sys, 1 = run, 2 = init, 3 = spill your guts DebugLevel=0