Section: ISTI.com Manual Page (l)
Updated: May 23, 2000
dlogagent - feeds the NSI server with dynamic data from datalog files
The TriNetWatch system uses collection
agents (CA) that can be distributed across a network
to collect data from seismic data acquisition middleware. One of the middleware
products that is used in the TriNet network is COMSERV (developed by
Quanterra et. al). Datalog is a client of COMSERV which writes data
files to a UNIX system.
is a collection agent designed to collect data from the datalog files.
The data gathered by this agent is specific to datalog
and is only dynamic data at this time. That is, the dlogagent will only
provide Dynamic Parameters (DP) to the
NSI regarding the parameters it looks for.
The dlogagent provides up to 3 different types of parameters: Clock Quality,
Mass Position, or Data Latency. Each parameter is obtained from the
datalog "active" file for the station/channel specified in the collection.ini
and station.ini files
(see the datalog documentation for details).
The agent obtains which
channels to interrogate and the datalog archiving directory
from the COMSERV station.ini files for the stations
it operates on. The specifics of the channels specification
are detailed below in the
requires an initialization file containing parametric information to specify
how the agent will operate. Most of the information in this file, known
as collection.ini, are operational timeouts, locations of stations, and
logging levels. See the COLLECTION.INI section below for specification of
the details of this file.
The TriNetWatch system is a three tiered structure of agents, server, and
front-end client. The communications between the agents and the TriNetWatch
server (NSIserver) are accomplished using the CORBA Event Service as
implemented by Orbacus (www.ooc.com). One event channel is used by
to transmit data to the NSI. This event channel must be
up and running before any data can be transmitted from the agent. See
the NSI server for details on how these should be started (they are
usually started on the NSI server's host). If the
agents are started BEFORE the event channel is running, they will
wait indefinitely for them to start. If for any reason the event channels,
should die, then the agents will exit.
Thus, agents need to be started in an shell script
with an infinite loop of running agents. The agents
pass ASCII messages through the event channel following a strict
protocol (See TSOI-protocol in the design documents).
- -ORBconfig orb.config
The orb.config file holds the ORBACUS specific information about the
event channel used by this agent. The orb.config file for this
agent must have services for the following service name:
- collection.ini
The collection.ini file contains all of the running and logging parameters
needed by the agent.
The collection.ini file holds ASCII parameters used by the agent to initialize
and run. There are two sections to the file, [TIMEOUTS] and [STATIONS], that
each must be specified in the first character of data on a line and be all
in upper case enclosed by []s. Within the TIMEOUTS section are listed the
timeouts used for transmitting data and failovers. Within the STATIONS section
there are directives that describe the stations operated on and the level
of logging. Each of the sections directives are described below.
- DPTimeout=N
Specifies N, where N is how many usecs to wait before each Dynamic
Parameter Messsage (DP_MSG) is sent. The
purpose of this timeout is to be able to slow transmission of messages if
the event channel is being flooded at a rate greater than the NSI can
handle. A default value is 250 usecs.
- DPGatherWait=N
N is the number of seconds to wait before gathering Dynamic Parameters from
the data aquisition system being observed by this agent (COMSERV). Once
the parameters have been gathered, they are sent one at a time (with a
short DPTimeout interval between each) to the NSI. This is probably the
most important time out of the bunch as it governs how frequently the
agent collects information. The default value for this timeout
is 60 seconds.
- Stations=sta1,sta2,....
The list of stations this agent operates on is specified by this
parameter. The list should be comma
separated with NO WHITESPACE between station names. If all stations in
the initialization file are desired, then a * may be used. The station
names should NOT have network codes here because COMSERV does not use
netcodes yet! To specify the network codes, use the NetworkCode parameter.
- Init=initialization_file
The init file in most cases for TriNetWatch agents is /etc/stations.ini.
However, this provides a mechanism to point to other stations.ini files
if necessary.
- AgentName=name-of-agent
The name of the agent should be specified here. This is used to write
a UNIQUE log file (if DebugMode=2 is used) AND also to uniquely tag
messages sent from this agent. This is a required directive.
- NetworkCode=NN
The SEED network code for the stations being monitored by this agent should
be specified with this directive. This is a required directive.
- DebugMode=N
The DebugMode specifies where log messages are sent. 0=turned off,
1=to stderr, 2=to a file. If DebugMode is set to 2, then the file is
named after the AgentName appended with a .log.
- DebugLevel=N
The Debug Level is an integer which represents the level of logging
messages that the end-user wishes to see. There are 4 levels of
logging currently available: 0= show only system related error messages,
1= show run level error messages, 2= show init level error messages, and
3 = show everything. The lower the number, the less verbose and vice-versa.
It is recommended that the first runs of the agent use level=3 and then
tone it down to level = 1 once the agents are tuned.
- DebugLogDir=directory_name
The DebugLogDir parameter is used to specify where the log file should
be written if DebugMode=2. The filename for the log will be the agent
name with .log used as the postfix.
An example collection.ini file is shown below:
* a comment
# another comment
* the timeout section begins here.
* the following timeout is an inter message timeout in usecs
* the following timeout is in seconds
* says, collect DP data every hour
* logging Mode 2 sends data to a file named after the AgentName
* level 3 means spill your guts
* this places the log file, if debugmode=2 into a given directory
This agent uses a directive in the comserv station.ini file to specify which
Dynamic Parameters will be sent to the NSI and which channels for a given
station are requested. This directive is [CADynamicParams]
and any data in the station.ini after this directive (until the next bracketed
directive) will be sent as dynamic parameters for the station. The channels
for each directive should be enclosed in double quotes, be comma separated,
and have NO WHITESPACE between channel names.
- DataLatencyChannels="chan1,chan2,chan3,..."
This directive specifies that the DataLatency should be obtained from
the channels listed. The DataLatency is the time observed on the host
where the dlogagent is running subtracted from the END TIME of the
last packet in the datalog "active" file for a given channel. If the
numbers are negative, then this would indicate a potential timing problem
with the host system. If this directive is not provided, then no data
latency is calculated for any channel.
- ClockQualityChannels="chan1,chan2,chan3,..."
This directive specifies that the clock quality value from the MSEED
blockette 1001 should be obtained for the listed channels. This number
is averaged over the last 2 packets from the datalog active file.
- MassPositionChannels="chan1,chan2,chan3,..."
The MassPositionChannels directive lists the channels for which Mass Position
peak values should be obtained. See the Dynamic Parameters section below
for details of the values calculated.
An example station.ini dlogagent directive section is specified below:
* end of the dynamic params section
This agent provides a list of dynamic parameters gathered from the datalog
files for the channels specified, in the CADynamicParams directive of the
station.ini, for each of the stations it monitors. The list of dynamic
parameters that this agent monitors is listed below. The exact spelling of
the parameter must be used on the NSI if it is to be used in a ruleset/criteria
for establishing performance level:
- Time of this DLOG Poll
This parameter indicates the time at which the dlogagent polled the datalog
files. This time comes from the host computer running the agent.
- Secs of Data Latency CCC
This parameter provides the number of seconds difference
between the time of polling a given channel CCC and
the end time of data for that channel in the active file at the time
the file was openned for reading.
- Average Clock Quality CCC
This parameter indicates the average (of the last 2 blocks) of the
clock quality value found in the MSEED blockette 1001 for the given
channel CCC.
- Mass Pos. Start Time CCC
This is the start time of the packet for the given mass position
channel CCC.
- Mass Pos. End Time CCC
This is the end time of the packet for the given mass position
channel CCC.
- Mass Pos. (Max V) CCC
This is the maximum Voltage value observed in the mass position
channel CCC for the times specified.
- Mass Pos. (Min V) CCC
This is the minimum Voltage value observed in the mass position
channel CCC for the times specified.
- Mass Pos. (Max-Abs V) CCC
This is the maximum absolute Voltage value observed in the mass position
channel CCC for the times specified.
Paul Friberg
Please send bug reports to info@isti.com
This document was created by
using the manual pages.
Time: 17:00:03 GMT, May 23, 2000