Package com.isti.trinetwatch.controlAgentSim

The classes for running and supporting the control agent simulation and the collection agent simulation programs.


Class Summary
ControlAgentSim Class ControlAgentSim defines a simulated control agent used to change usage levels on simulated stations.
ControlIniParser Class ControlIniParser parses a given control.ini for the information the control agent needs to perform the controling of stations it is meant to do.
CtaSimRequestManager Class CtaSimRequestManager manages the changing of the usage level for a given station.
CtaSimToS_provider Class CtaToS_provider sends the necessary responses to requests for changing the usage level of a given station.
LevChange_provider Class LevChange_provider responds to requests for changing the usage level of a given station.
LevChangeUpdate LevChangeUpdate reports the change of a level to the NSI Server.
ProcessWait Class ProcessWait waits for a running process to terminate.
StationInfo This method holds the information about a given station for the sim agents.
StationTable This class holds a set of stations in a table.
StationType This class holds a set of stations in a table
StationTypeLevelInfo This class holds information about a given level.
StationTypeTable This class holds a set of stations in a table
SToCtaSim_consumer Class SToCtaSim_Consumer parses the messages coming over the CTRL_MSG event channel from the Server and decides what action needs to be taken.
testControlIniParser Class testControlIniParser does a simple test of the class ControlIniParser.

Package com.isti.trinetwatch.controlAgentSim Description

The classes for running and supporting the control agent simulation and the collection agent simulation programs. The class TSOI.agentSim.ControlAgentSim contains the main method for the control agent sim program and the class TSOI.agentSim.CollectionAgentSim contains the main method for the collection agent sim program. So these are the two classes that must be run to get the simulations running. For details on each please refer to the documentation on the respective classes.