Package com.isti.trinetwatch.params

Data structure classes for supporting the NSI server.


Interface Summary
ParamHistory Interface ParamHistory defines the history for station parameters.

Class Summary
AgentInfo Class AgentInfo defines a block of agent information items and holds a table of stations fed by the agent.
DataStatusBlock Class DataStatusBlock defines a data block containing a data-value object and an associated status-level-tag object.
DynamicParameter Class DynamicParameter defines dynamic objects.
DynamicParamHolder Class DynamicParamHolder holds a 'DynamicParameter' object and adds support for rule-set and time-received operations.
DynamicParamTable Class DynamicParamTable manages a hash table of 'DynamicParamHolder' objects.
ParamHistoryTable Class ParamHistoryTable defines the history table for station parameters.
ParamHistoryVector Class ParamHistoryVector defines the history vector for station parameters.
StaticParameter Class StaticParameter defines static string objects.
StaticParamTable Class StaticParamTable manages a hash table of 'StaticParameter' objects.

Package com.isti.trinetwatch.params Description

Data structure classes for supporting the NSI server. These classes define the data structures for holding station information.