Package com.isti.trinetwatch.collectionAgentSim

The classes for running and supporting the control agent.


Class Summary
CaToS_dynp Class CaToS_dynp sends the changing data of the dynamic parameters through the dynamic parameter event channel to the NSI Server.
CaToS_statp Class CaToS_statp passes all static parameters through the static parameter event channel to the NSI Server.
CollectIniParser This Class is used to parse the collectStations.ini file for stations data.
CollectionAgentSim CollectionAgentSim is a collection agent simulator to be used in conjunction with the SeisNetWatch NSI Server for testing and as an example of what the SeisNetWatch system is capable of.
LevChange_consumer Class LevChange_consumer parses the messages coming over the event channel from the control agent simulator and updates the given station.
StationDynamicParam This class creates a data structrue to hold dynamic parameter information.
StationInfo This method creates a data structure that holds information about a given station.
StationStaticParam This class creates a data structure to hold static parameter information.
StationTable This class creates a data structure that holds a bunch of stations in a table.
SToCa_consumer Class SToCa_consumer parses the messages coming over the event channel from the Server and decides what action needs to be taken.

Package com.isti.trinetwatch.collectionAgentSim Description

The classes for running and supporting the control agent. The class controlAgent.ControlAgent contains the main method, thus it is the class that is executed to begin the control agent.