Package com.isti.trinetwatch.emailer

The classes for the Emailer client application.


Interface Summary
ReportDataBlock Interface ReportDataBlock defines methods for station and subset data reports.

Class Summary
Emailer Class Emailer is a non-GUI client for SeisNetWatch that monitors an SNW server and sends status-alert email messages.
ParameterDataBlock Class ParameterDataBlock contains the data items necessary for a report item on a station detail parameter change event.
StationDataBlock Class StationDataBlock defines a station information block; one for each station.
StationDataTable Class StationDataTable defines a table of station information blocks.
StationReportBlock Class StationReportBlock contains the data items necessary for a report item on a station change event.
SubsetReportBlock Class SubsetReportBlock contains the data items necessary for a report item on a subset change event.

Package com.isti.trinetwatch.emailer Description

The classes for the Emailer client application.