Interface SubsetPropInfo.StationsUpdatable

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public static interface SubsetPropInfo.StationsUpdatable

Interface StationsUpdatable defines a method used to gather a list of stations that match a given criteria and that have changed status or usage since a given time value.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getStationsUpdateString(SubsetPropInfo sPropObj, long timeVal, int compCode, java.lang.String agentName)
          Returns an update string of entries for all stations that match the given criteria and that have changed status or usage since the given time value.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getStationsUpdateString(SubsetPropInfo sPropObj,
                                         long timeVal,
                                         int compCode,
                                         java.lang.String agentName)
Returns an update string of entries for all stations that match the given criteria and that have changed status or usage since the given time value.

sPropObj - the subset-of-stations property information block to use.
timeVal - a server epoch time value (seconds since 1/1/1970).
compCode - the comparison code associated with the group name (not currently used).
agentName - the name of the agent to use in determining status, or null for no agent.
An ASCII string formatted as follows: ;NNNN:SSSSS,UUUUU... where NNNN is a station name, SSSSS is a status level tag name, and UUUUU is a usage level tag name. Any number of station/status/usage groups may be passed.