Class FileMonPollingThread

  extended by java.lang.Thread
      extended by com.isti.util.IstiThread
          extended by com.isti.util.IstiNotifyThread
              extended by com.isti.util.FileMonPollingThread
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FileMonPollingThread
extends IstiNotifyThread

Class FileMonPollingThread defines a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object.

Nested Class Summary
static interface FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack
          Interface FileDataCallBack defines a call-back method to be invoked when new file data is available.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Thread
java.lang.Thread.State, java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
Field Summary
static byte[] ERROR_ARRAY
          Empty array used to indicate error.
protected  int fileAccessTimeOutMs
protected  FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj
protected  FileDataMonitor fileDataMonitorObj
protected  boolean forceFileReadFlag
protected  boolean indRecoveryFlag
protected  long maxReadBytesLimit
protected  int pollingIntervalMs
Fields inherited from class com.isti.util.IstiThread
Fields inherited from class java.lang.Thread
Constructor Summary
FileMonPollingThread(java.lang.String fNameStr, int pollingIntervalMs, int fileAccessTimeOutMs, long maxReadBytesLimit, boolean indRecoveryFlag, FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj)
          Creates a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object.
FileMonPollingThread(java.lang.String fNameStr, int pollingIntervalMs, int fileAccessTimeOutMs, long maxReadBytesLimit, FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj)
          Creates a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object.
Method Summary
 byte[] checkReadFileData()
          Checks if the file has been modified and returns its contents if so.
 byte[] checkReadFileData(boolean forceFileReadFlag)
          Checks if the file has been modified and returns its contents if so.
 void fireForceFileRead()
          Fires a forced read of the file by the monitoring thread, as if the file's last-modified time had changed.
 boolean getErrorMessageFlag()
          Returns the status of the error message.
 java.lang.String getErrorMessageString()
          Returns the current error message (if any).
 FileDataMonitor getFileDataMonitorObj()
          Returns the 'FileDataMonitor' object used by this object.
 void run()
          Executing method for file-monitoring thread.
Methods inherited from class com.isti.util.IstiNotifyThread
sleep, terminate
Methods inherited from class com.isti.util.IstiThread
clearThreadWaitNotifyFlag, isTerminated, nextThreadNum, notifyThread, start, terminate, waitForNotify, waitForNotify, waitForTerminate, waitForTerminate, wasStarted
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Thread
activeCount, checkAccess, clone, countStackFrames, currentThread, destroy, dumpStack, enumerate, getAllStackTraces, getContextClassLoader, getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, getId, getName, getPriority, getStackTrace, getState, getThreadGroup, getUncaughtExceptionHandler, holdsLock, interrupt, interrupted, isAlive, isDaemon, isInterrupted, join, join, join, resume, setContextClassLoader, setDaemon, setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler, setName, setPriority, setUncaughtExceptionHandler, sleep, stop, stop, suspend, toString, yield
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final byte[] ERROR_ARRAY
Empty array used to indicate error.


protected final FileDataMonitor fileDataMonitorObj


protected final int pollingIntervalMs


protected final int fileAccessTimeOutMs


protected final long maxReadBytesLimit


protected final boolean indRecoveryFlag


protected final FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj


protected boolean forceFileReadFlag
Constructor Detail


public FileMonPollingThread(java.lang.String fNameStr,
                            int pollingIntervalMs,
                            int fileAccessTimeOutMs,
                            long maxReadBytesLimit,
                            boolean indRecoveryFlag,
                            FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj)
Creates a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object. After being created, this thread should be started via its 'start()' method.

fNameStr - name of input file to be read and monitored.
pollingIntervalMs - number of milliseconds to wait between polls of the input file.
fileAccessTimeOutMs - timeout value for file access, or 0 for infinite.
maxReadBytesLimit - maximum number of bytes to read from file, or 0 for no limit.
indRecoveryFlag - if true then the call-back method will be invoked with (true,null) if the previous file-access attempt failed and the current attempt succeeded and no change in the file last-modified time was detected.
fileDataCallBackObj - call-back object to be invoked when changes in the file data are detected.


public FileMonPollingThread(java.lang.String fNameStr,
                            int pollingIntervalMs,
                            int fileAccessTimeOutMs,
                            long maxReadBytesLimit,
                            FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack fileDataCallBackObj)
Creates a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object. After being created, this thread should be started via its 'start()' method.

fNameStr - name of input file to be read and monitored.
pollingIntervalMs - number of milliseconds to wait between polls of the input file.
fileAccessTimeOutMs - timeout value for file access, or 0 for infinite.
maxReadBytesLimit - maximum number of bytes to read from file, or 0 for no limit.
fileDataCallBackObj - call-back object to be invoked when changes in the file data are detected.
Method Detail


public void run()
Executing method for file-monitoring thread.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
run in class java.lang.Thread


public void fireForceFileRead()
Fires a forced read of the file by the monitoring thread, as if the file's last-modified time had changed.


public byte[] checkReadFileData(boolean forceFileReadFlag)
Checks if the file has been modified and returns its contents if so. The first time this method is called the file data will be returned. This method may be used to do the initial read of file data before using the monitoring thread to track future changes to the data.

forceFileReadFlag - true to force reading of file data; false to only read file data if file-modified time changed.
A byte array containing the file data, 'null' if the file has not been modified, or 'ERROR_ARRAY' if an error occurred (in which case the 'getErrorMessageString()' method may be used to fetch the error message).


public byte[] checkReadFileData()
Checks if the file has been modified and returns its contents if so. The first time this method is called the file data will be returned. This method may be used to do the initial read of file data before using the monitoring thread to track future changes to the data.

A byte array containing the file data, 'null' if the file has not been modified, or 'ERROR_ARRAY' if an error occurred (in which case the 'getErrorMessageString()' method may be used to fetch the error message).


public FileDataMonitor getFileDataMonitorObj()
Returns the 'FileDataMonitor' object used by this object.

The 'FileDataMonitor' object used by this object.


public boolean getErrorMessageFlag()
Returns the status of the error message.

true if an error message is set; false if not.


public java.lang.String getErrorMessageString()
Returns the current error message (if any).

The current error message, or null if no errors have occurred.