Class LaunchBrowser

  extended by com.isti.util.LaunchBrowser
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LaunchBrowser
extends java.lang.Object
implements ILaunchBrowser

Class LaunchBrowser contains methods for launching browser windows. Application and applet environments are supported. In an application environment, the operating system may be auto-determined and several different versions of the launch command may be attempted, including a user-specified launch command. The following default launch commands are used:

   Non-Windows:     netscape URL
   Windows95/98:    start "URL"
   Windows2000/XP:  cmd /C "start URL" (for non-file URLs)
   Windows2000/XP:  cmd /C "URL" (for file URLs)
   Macintosh:       /usr/bin/open URL
The order in which the launch commands are attempted is varied such that the one for the operating system in use is attempt first (after any 'setLaunchCommand()' entered). When using "start" or "cmd /C" under Windows operating systems, special characters ("&|()^") are "escaped" by preceding them with the carrot ("^") character.

Field Summary
protected  java.applet.AppletContext appletContextObj
protected  boolean browserLaunchEnabledFlag
protected static java.lang.String CMDCQT_STR
protected static java.lang.String EMPTY_STR
protected  java.lang.String errorMessage
protected  java.lang.String[] fileCmdPrefixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] fileCmdSuffixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] fileOsPrefixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] fileOsSuffixArr
protected  int firstCmdArrIdx
protected  java.lang.String[] httpCmdPrefixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] httpCmdSuffixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] httpOsPrefixArr
protected  java.lang.String[] httpOsSuffixArr
protected  java.lang.String lastShowURLCmdStr
static int MACINTOSH
          Selection value to indicate Macintosh operating system.
protected static java.lang.String NEED_ESC_CHARS
protected static java.lang.String NETSCPSP_STR
static int NON_WINDOWS
          Selection value to indicate non-Windows operating system.
protected static java.lang.String osNamePropString
protected  int osSelectVal
protected static java.lang.String[] osSelStringsArr
protected static java.lang.String QUOTE_STR
protected static java.lang.String STARTQT_STR
protected static java.lang.String STARTSP_STR
protected static java.lang.String UBOPENSP_STR
static int WINDOWS_98
          Selection value to indicate Windows 98 or earlier OS.
static int WINDOWS_XP
          Selection value to indicate Windows XP/2000 operating system.
Fields inherited from interface com.isti.util.ILaunchBrowser
Constructor Summary
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
LaunchBrowser(java.applet.Applet appletObj)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an applet environment.
LaunchBrowser(java.applet.AppletContext appletContextObj)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an applet environment.
LaunchBrowser(int selVal)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
LaunchBrowser(int selVal, java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
LaunchBrowser(int selVal, java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
LaunchBrowser(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
LaunchBrowser(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
          Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.
Method Summary
 void clearErrorMessage()
          Clears the error message string.
static int determineOSType()
          Determines the type of operating system in use.
static java.lang.String escSpecialWinChars(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Scans the given URL string for special characters ("&|()^") and "escapes" them be preceding each one with the carrot ("^") character.
 boolean getErrorFlag()
          Returns true if an error was detected.
 java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
          Returns message string for last error (or 'No error' if none).
 java.lang.String getLastShowURLCmdStr()
          Returns the last command string used by the 'showURL()' (application mode) or 'showApplicationURL()' method.
 java.lang.String getOsNamePropString()
          Returns the Operating System name found in the "" system property.
 java.lang.String getOSSelectString()
          Returns a description string for the operating system select value for this launch browser object ("Non-Windows", "Windows95/98", "Windows2000/XP" or "Macintosh").
 int getOSSelectVal()
          Returns the operating system select value for this launch browser object (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).
 java.lang.String getPrefApplicationLaunchCmd(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Returns the "preferred" command that would be used to launch a browser for viewing a non-local-file URL in an application environment.
 java.lang.String getPrefApplicationLaunchFileCmd(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Returns the "preferred" command that would be used to launch a browser for viewing a local file in an application environment.
 boolean isEnabled()
          Returns an indicator of whether or not the launching of browser windows is enabled.
static boolean isURLAddress(java.lang.String str)
          Returns true if the contents of the given string qualify as a valid URL address; otherwise returns false.
 void setEnabled(boolean flgVal)
          Enables or disables the launching of browser windows.
protected  void setErrorMessage(java.lang.String str)
          Enters error message.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, boolean addSpaceFlag)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr, boolean addSpaceFlag)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr, boolean httpCmdFlag, boolean fileCmdFlag)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr, java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr, boolean addSpaceFlag, boolean httpCmdFlag, boolean fileCmdFlag)
          Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser.
 boolean setOSType(int selVal)
          Selects the operating system for this launch-browser object.
 boolean showAppletURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Displays the given URL address string in a browser window.
 boolean showAppletURL(java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String titleStr)
          Displays the given URL address string in a separate browser window.
 boolean showApplicationURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Displays the given URL address string in a new browser window.
 boolean showURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
          Displays the given URL address string in a browser window.
 boolean showURL(java.lang.String urlStr, java.lang.String titleStr)
          Displays the given URL address string in a browser window.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NON_WINDOWS
Selection value to indicate non-Windows operating system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WINDOWS_98
Selection value to indicate Windows 98 or earlier OS.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WINDOWS_XP
Selection value to indicate Windows XP/2000 operating system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MACINTOSH
Selection value to indicate Macintosh operating system.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String[] osSelStringsArr


protected final java.applet.AppletContext appletContextObj


protected int osSelectVal


protected static java.lang.String osNamePropString


protected java.lang.String errorMessage


protected static java.lang.String NETSCPSP_STR


protected static java.lang.String UBOPENSP_STR


protected static java.lang.String STARTSP_STR


protected static java.lang.String STARTQT_STR


protected static java.lang.String CMDCQT_STR


protected static java.lang.String EMPTY_STR


protected static java.lang.String QUOTE_STR


protected static java.lang.String NEED_ESC_CHARS


protected final java.lang.String[] httpOsPrefixArr


protected final java.lang.String[] httpOsSuffixArr


protected final java.lang.String[] fileOsPrefixArr


protected final java.lang.String[] fileOsSuffixArr


protected java.lang.String[] httpCmdPrefixArr


protected java.lang.String[] httpCmdSuffixArr


protected java.lang.String[] fileCmdPrefixArr


protected java.lang.String[] fileCmdSuffixArr


protected int firstCmdArrIdx


protected java.lang.String lastShowURLCmdStr


protected boolean browserLaunchEnabledFlag
Constructor Detail


public LaunchBrowser()
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment. The operating system type is automatically determined.


public LaunchBrowser(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment. The operating system type is automatically determined.

cmdPrefixStr - the preferred string to put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.


public LaunchBrowser(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                     java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment. The operating system type is automatically determined.

cmdPrefixStr - the preferred string to put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the preferred string to put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.


public LaunchBrowser(int selVal)
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.

selVal - one of the operating system select values (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).


public LaunchBrowser(int selVal,
                     java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.

selVal - one of the operating system select values (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).
cmdPrefixStr - the preferred string to put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.


public LaunchBrowser(int selVal,
                     java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                     java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
Creates a launch-browser object for an application environment.

selVal - one of the operating system select values (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).
cmdPrefixStr - the preferred string to put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the preferred string to put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.


public LaunchBrowser(java.applet.AppletContext appletContextObj)
Creates a launch-browser object for an applet environment.

appletContextObj - the 'AppletContext' object to be used.


public LaunchBrowser(java.applet.Applet appletObj)
Creates a launch-browser object for an applet environment.

appletObj - the 'Applet' object containing the 'AppletContext' object to be used.
Method Detail


public boolean setOSType(int selVal)
Selects the operating system for this launch-browser object. Only used in application environment.

selVal - one of the operating system select values (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).
true if successful, false if invalid selection value.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                             java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr,
                             boolean addSpaceFlag,
                             boolean httpCmdFlag,
                             boolean fileCmdFlag)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment. A command suffix is provided to allow characters (such as a quote) to be placed at the end of the launch command. If both parameters are null then the default launch commands will be used.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the string put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
addSpaceFlag - if true and the command prefix string ends with an alphanumeric or underscore character then a space is appended to the prefix.
httpCmdFlag - true to enter the given commands for use with non-file URLs.
fileCmdFlag - true to enter the given commands for use with local-file URLs.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                             java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr,
                             boolean addSpaceFlag)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment. A command suffix is provided to allow characters (such as a quote) to be placed at the end of the launch command. If both parameters are null then the default launch commands will be used.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the string put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
addSpaceFlag - if true and the command prefix string ends with an alphanumeric or underscore character then a space is appended to the prefix.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                             java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr,
                             boolean httpCmdFlag,
                             boolean fileCmdFlag)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment. A command suffix is provided to allow characters (such as a quote) to be placed at the end of the launch command. If both parameters are null then the default launch commands will be used.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the string put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
httpCmdFlag - true to enter the given commands for use with non-file URLs.
fileCmdFlag - true to enter the given commands for use with local-file URLs.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                             java.lang.String cmdSuffixStr)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment. A command suffix is provided to allow characters (such as a quote) to be placed at the end of the launch command. If both parameters are null then the default launch commands will be used. If the command prefix string ends with an alphanumeric or underscore character then a space is appended to the prefix.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null for none.
cmdSuffixStr - the string put after the URL in the launch command, or null for none.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr,
                             boolean addSpaceFlag)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null to have the default launch commands be used.
addSpaceFlag - if true and the command prefix string ends with an alphanumeric or underscore character then a space is appended to the prefix.


public void setLaunchCommand(java.lang.String cmdPrefixStr)
Sets up a preferred command used to launch the browser. Only used in application environment. If the command prefix string ends with an alphanumeric or underscore character then a space is appended to the prefix.

cmdPrefixStr - the string put before the URL in the launch command, or null to have the default launch commands be used.


public boolean showApplicationURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
Displays the given URL address string in a new browser window. Only used in application environment.

urlStr - a string containing the URL.
true if successful; false if error (in which case an error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method).


public java.lang.String getPrefApplicationLaunchCmd(java.lang.String urlStr)
Returns the "preferred" command that would be used to launch a browser for viewing a non-local-file URL in an application environment. Note that the 'showURL()' method may also revert to using a default launch command if the preferred command fails.

urlStr - the URL string to use in the command.
The launch-browser command.


public java.lang.String getPrefApplicationLaunchFileCmd(java.lang.String urlStr)
Returns the "preferred" command that would be used to launch a browser for viewing a local file in an application environment. Note that the 'showURL()' method may also revert to using a default launch command if the preferred command fails.

urlStr - the URL string to use in the command.
The launch-browser command.


public java.lang.String getLastShowURLCmdStr()
Returns the last command string used by the 'showURL()' (application mode) or 'showApplicationURL()' method.

The last command string used by the 'showURL()' (application mode) or 'showApplicationURL()' method, or null if none available.


public boolean showAppletURL(java.lang.String urlStr,
                             java.lang.String titleStr)
Displays the given URL address string in a separate browser window.

urlStr - a string containing the URL.
titleStr - a string used to select a target browser window.
true if successful; false if error (in which case an error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method).


public boolean showAppletURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
Displays the given URL address string in a browser window.

urlStr - a string containing the URL.
true if successful; false if error (in which case an error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method).


public boolean showURL(java.lang.String urlStr,
                       java.lang.String titleStr)
Displays the given URL address string in a browser window. This method calls either the 'showAppletURL()' or 'showApplicationURL()' method, depending on how this object was constructed.

Specified by:
showURL in interface ILaunchBrowser
urlStr - a string containing the URL.
titleStr - a string used to select a target browser window.
true if successful; false if error (in which case an error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method).


public boolean showURL(java.lang.String urlStr)
Displays the given URL address string in a browser window. This method calls either the 'showAppletURL()' or 'showApplicationURL()' method, depending on how this object was constructed.

Specified by:
showURL in interface ILaunchBrowser
urlStr - a string containing the URL.
true if successful; false if error (in which case an error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method).


public void setEnabled(boolean flgVal)
Enables or disables the launching of browser windows. The default state is 'enabled'.

flgVal - true to enable, false to disable.


public boolean isEnabled()
Returns an indicator of whether or not the launching of browser windows is enabled.

true if enabled, false if disabled.


protected void setErrorMessage(java.lang.String str)
Enters error message.

str - error message string.


public boolean getErrorFlag()
Returns true if an error was detected. The error message may be fetched via the 'getErrorMessage()' method.

true if an error was detected.


public java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
Returns message string for last error (or 'No error' if none).

Specified by:
getErrorMessage in interface ILaunchBrowser
message string for last error (or 'No error' if none).


public void clearErrorMessage()
Clears the error message string.


public int getOSSelectVal()
Returns the operating system select value for this launch browser object (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).

the operating system select value for this launch browser object (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).


public java.lang.String getOSSelectString()
Returns a description string for the operating system select value for this launch browser object ("Non-Windows", "Windows95/98", "Windows2000/XP" or "Macintosh").

a description string for the operating system select value for this launch browser object ("Non-Windows", "Windows95/98", "Windows2000/XP" or "Macintosh").


public java.lang.String getOsNamePropString()
Returns the Operating System name found in the "" system property.

The name of the current operating system, or an empty string if the name could not be fetched.


public static int determineOSType()
Determines the type of operating system in use.

one of the operating system select values (NON_WINDOWS, WINDOWS_98, WINDOWS_XP or MACINTOSH).


public static boolean isURLAddress(java.lang.String str)
Returns true if the contents of the given string qualify as a valid URL address; otherwise returns false. If the string begins with 1 to 10 letters (or digits) followed by "://" then it is considered a valid URL address.

str - the string to check.
true if the contents of the given string qualify as a valid URL address; otherwise false.


public static java.lang.String escSpecialWinChars(java.lang.String urlStr)
Scans the given URL string for special characters ("&|()^") and "escapes" them be preceding each one with the carrot ("^") character. These special characters need to be "escaped" when a parameter is sent to a Windows command interpreter.

urlStr - string to scan.
The given string with special characters "escaped", or the original given string if no special characters were found.