See: Description
Class | Description |
ControlAgentSim |
Class ControlAgentSim defines a simulated control agent used to change
usage levels on simulated stations.
ControlIniParser |
Class ControlIniParser parses a given control.ini for the information the
control agent needs to perform the controling of stations it is meant to do.
CtaSimRequestManager |
Class CtaSimRequestManager manages the changing of the usage level for a
given station.
CtaSimToS_provider |
Class CtaToS_provider sends the necessary responses to requests for changing
the usage level of a given station.
LevChange_provider |
Class LevChange_provider responds to requests for changing the usage
level of a given station.
LevChangeUpdate |
LevChangeUpdate reports the change of a level to the NSI Server.
ProcessWait |
Class ProcessWait waits for a running process to terminate.
StationInfo |
This method holds the information about a given station for the sim agents.
StationTable |
This class holds a set of stations in a table.
StationType |
This class holds a set of stations in a table
StationTypeLevelInfo |
This class holds information about a given level.
StationTypeTable |
This class holds a set of stations in a table
SToCtaSim_consumer |
Class SToCtaSim_Consumer parses the messages coming over the CTRL_MSG event
channel from the Server and decides what action needs to be taken.
testControlIniParser |
Class testControlIniParser does a simple test of the class ControlIniParser.