IntroductionLast Updated November 16, 2012
Free Software / Source Available
Getting Started
NSI Setup
GUI Client Setup
Agent Setup
The five components that make up a SeisNetWatch system are described below:
This manual provides the basics of how to install and get the software running. It is accompanied by a configuration map document that details the specifics of the configuration and initialization files necessary to run the system.
If you are interested in running this software, please contact us and we would be happy to help you with an installation. It is also possible to have new agents designed or new features implemented in the system.
The source code for the server, the GUI client, and some agents are available upon request. Any changes must be distributed in source form and must be checked back into the CVS repository at
The collection agents were, in general, written in C++ to allow them to interface with existing acquisition software packages (like 'comserv' and 'Earthworm').
The GUI client was written in Java, and may be run as an applet or application. Running as an applet, it operates within an Internet browser that either supports Java version 1.4 (or later), or has Sun's Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4 (or later) plug-in installed. (Use of the plug-in requires special HTML code in the web document used to startup the applet, examples of which are included in this distrubution.) The applet is certified to run in the Netscape version 4.7 browser. Running as application, the requirements are the same as those for the NSI server (with the addition of necessary graphics support in the operating system).
Using a Unix-based operating system: Change to the 'bin' directory. All the files in this directory must be marked as executable (via a command like 'chmod a+x *'). Run the script file 'runAllSim'. Once the NSI server is running, the GUI client application may be started via the script file 'runGUIClient'.
Using a Windows operating system: Change to the 'bat' directory. Run the batch file 'runAllSim.bat'. (Note that on some Windows 95/98 systems, running the NSI server and both the collection and control agent simulators proves to be problematic. In this case, use the batch file 'runAllSim_noCTA.bat', which leaves out the control agent simulator.) Once the NSI server is running, the GUI client application may be started via the batch file 'runGUIClient.bat'.
The 'runAllSim' command first starts up six CORBA event channel applications, which are used to communicate with the NSI server. Each one should display a message to the console containing "IOR:" followed by a long string of characters. The 'runAllSim' command then starts the agent simulators and the NSI server. If all goes well, these should generate no messages to the console.
The 'runGUIClient' command should bring up the graphical client interface, showing a "reactor panel" of station buttons. All the functions of the GUI client interface may then be exercised.
When running as an application, the GUI client may be terminated via the "Exit" button. If the NSI server and agents are running in console windows, they may be terminated by entering the "terminate" command, or by hitting <Ctrl-C>. When the event channel applications are running in console windows, they may be terminated by hitting <Ctrl-C>. When any of these applications are running the background, they must be terminated via an operating system command like "kill #".
CORBA event channels are used to facilitate communication between the agents and the NSI server. Each event channel runs as a Java application in a separate process, and makes use of a unique port number. The port numbers are configured in two places (that must contain the same numbers): In the 'startEventChannels' script (or batch) file are the commands used to startup the event channel processes; and each command contains an '-OAport' parameter followed by the port number for that channel. The other place is in the 'orb.config' file in the 'conf' directory. The agents will also need to know the orb.config file IP and port number selections. In the following example line from an 'orb.config' file, the port number 10001 is configured:
For most installations, the port number values will not need to be changed. If, however, a second NSI server is run on the same machine, it will need to have a unique set of port numbers configured.
Note that localhost is used here, but if the agents were to be located on a separate host from the NSI server (remember this is a distributed system), you should use the fully qualified domain name for the NSI host (i.e.
The SeisNetWatch NSI server uses a configuration file to set up many of its operating parameters. In the simulator system provided in this distribution, the 'NSI_sim.conf' file (in the 'conf' directory) is used to configure the simulation on Unix systems (Solaris/Linux). For a deployed SeisNetWatch system, this file should be copied, renamed and customized. Some of the more important parameter settings include:
baseDir: Sets the base directory of the SeisNetWatch system. Under this directory are the 'bat', 'bin', 'conf', 'jars' and 'log' subdirectories. The relative path value of "../" will work as long as the current working directory is one of the subdirectories of 'baseDir' when the NSI server is started.
daemon: If 'true' then the server is run in 'daemon' mode, where no further console I/O is used. This is desirable when the server is run in the background without a console window.
rulesetFileName: Sets the name of the rule set file used by the NSI server to determine the performance levels of stations and their parameters. In the simulator system provided in this distribution, the 'ruleset_sim.conf' file (in the 'conf' directory) is used configure the simulation rule set settings. For a deployed SeisNetWatch system, this file should be copied, renamed and customized. This file is further described in the configuration map document.
stationsFileName: Sets the name of the stations information file used by the NSI server to associate predefined station names to station-template entries in the rule set file. In the simulator system provided in this distribution, the 'stations_info_sim.conf' file (in the 'conf' directory) is used configure the simulated stations information settings. For deployed SeisNetWatch systems that use predefined station names, this file may be copied, renamed and customized. For deployed SeisNetWatch systems that use dynamically-created stations, an empty file may be used. This file is further described in the configuration map document. NOTE that for EARTHWORM installations where dynamic station discovery is performed, this file is not needed! It can be provided to specify rulesets for given stations AND to provide detailed static station information to end users.
guiAcceptorIORFile: Sets the path to and name of the file containing the CORBA IOR address string (used by GUI clients). The file should usually reside in same HTTP-accessible directory as the GUI-client JAR and HTML files.
orbPortNum: Sets the port number used by the CORBA services of the NSI server. For most installations, this value will not need to be changed. If, however, a second NSI server is run on the same machine, it will need to have a unique set of port numbers configured.
serverName: Sets the 'name' associated with this NSI server. This name is displayed on the main screen of any GUI clients connected.
More information on the NSI server configuration file is available in the configuration map document.
During its operation, the NSI server will write messages to its log file (named via the 'globalLogFileName' parameter). If the 'configFileParsingLogFlag' parameter is set to 'true' then the NSI server will write messages to a separate "parsing" log file (named via the 'configFileParsingLogfile' parameter) during the parsing of the rule set and stations information files. Both of these log files reside in the 'log' directory and can be invaluable in diagnosing configuration problems with the system. We highly recommend that you look at the log output if you have any problems.
Copyright 2012, Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc.