Interface Archivable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArchivableData, IstiLocale, IstiMessageCachedArchive.BasicArchivableMsgObjEntry, ValueTimeBlock

public interface Archivable

An interface for objects that can be archived. Archivable classes must have a constructor with 'String' and 'Archivable.Marker' parameters, like this:
public ArchivableImpl(String dataStr, Archivable.Marker mkrObj) ...
This constructor is used to create the class from a string of data. The 'Archivable.Marker' is used to mark the constructor as being available for de-archiving (and will usually be 'null').

Nested Class Summary
static class Archivable.Marker
Method Summary
 java.util.Date getArchiveDate()
          Returns a 'Date' object representing the date to be used for archival purposes.
 java.lang.String toArchivedForm()
          Returns the archivable representation for this object.

Method Detail


java.util.Date getArchiveDate()
Returns a 'Date' object representing the date to be used for archival purposes.

A 'Date' object representing the date that the item should be archived under.


java.lang.String toArchivedForm()
Returns the archivable representation for this object. When the object is recreated from the string, it should be identical to the original.

A String representing the archived form of the object.