Package com.isti.util

Various utility classes created to support Java programs.


Interface Summary
Archivable An interface for objects that can be archived.
ArchiveManager.ProcessCallBack Interface ProcessCallBack defines the call-back object passed into the 'processArchivedItems()' method.
CallBackCompletion Interface for objects to implement a completion callback method.
CallBackStringFlag CallBackStringFlag is an interface for classes that implement a string parameter call-back method with a return flag.
CallBackStringParam Interface for classes that implement a string parameter call-back method.
DataChangedListener Interface for objects to implement a data-changed callback method.
ErrorMsgMgrIntf Interface ErrorMsgMgrIntf specifies methods implemented in 'ErrorMessageMgr' class.
ExtendedComparable This interface extends the Comparable interface to allow multiple ways sorting.
FileMonPollingThread.FileDataCallBack Interface FileDataCallBack defines a call-back method to be invoked when new file data is available.
ILaunchBrowser Interface LaunchBrowser contains methods for launching browser windows.
IstiColumnFilter The ISTI column filter.
IstiDataModel Interface IstiDataModel defines a data model.
IstiDialogInterface Interface IstiDialogInterface defines the methods used to operate a 'IstiDialogPopup' object.
IstiEventListener Interface IstiEventListener defines an event listener.
IstiMessageCachedArchive.ArchivableMsgObjEntry Interface ArchivableMsgObjEntry combines the MessageObjectEntry and Archivable interfaces.
IstiMessageObjectCache.MessageObjectEntry Interface for message object entry.
IstiNamedValueInterface IstiNamedValueInterface defines a named value object interface.
IstiRowFilter The ISTI row filter.
IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry Time object entry
MeasurementUnitsInformation Interface MeasurementUnitsInformation constants and methods for getting/setting the measurement units.
MsgViaFileProcessor.ProcMsgCallBack Interface ProcMsgCallBack defines a method for processing a message and returning a completion/success result.
PasswordAuthenticator Password Authenticator
ProgramInformationInterface Interface ProgramInformationInterface defines methods for program information.
ProgressIndicatorInterface Interface ProgressIndicatorInterface defines the methods used to operate a 'JProgressBar' object.
PropItemInterface IstiNamedValueInterface defines a property item object interface.
StringConstants Interface StringConstants defines simple string constants.
All of these constants are simple as they have no external dependencies.
TimeConstants Interface TimeConstants defines simple time constants.
All of these constants are simple as they have no external dependencies.
ValueTableModel A ValueTableModel is a two dimensional data structure that can store arbitrary Object instances.

Class Summary
AbstractFileFilter Abstract file filter.
AbstractQueryStringProcessor Abstract class AbstractQueryStringProcessor processes the query string in a URL.
AddrPortListMgr Class AddrPortListMgr manages a list of host-address/port-number entries.
AddrPortListMgr.EntryBlock Class EntryBlock holds a host-address string and a port number value.
AppletProperties Class AppletProperties manages a table of configuration property items.
ArchivableData Class ArchivableData defines an archive containing a data object and timestamp.
ArchiveManager Class ArchiveManager defines an archive manager that organizes items by date.
Averager Class Averager implements a "windowed" average, where the average of the last 'n' values entered is calculated.
BaseProperties Class BaseProperties is the base class for classes that manage a table of configuration property items.
BasicColumnFilter Class BasicColumnFilter defines a basic column filter.
BasicLaunchBrowser Basic Browser Launch.
BasicRowFilter Class BasicRowFilter defines a basic row filter.
BooleanCp Class BooleanCp is a 'Boolean'-like wrapper class which holds a boolean value and implements the Comparable interface.
BufOrderedVector Class BufOrderedVector is an extension of 'Vector' that supports specifying items to be returned last by the iterators.
CfgFileParser Class CfgFileParser contains support functions for reading from configuration files.
CfgFileTokenizer Class CfgFileTokenizer extends StreamTokenizer and sets up for configuration file parsing.
CfgProperties Class CfgProperties manages a table of configuration property items.
CfgPropItem Class CfgPropItem defines a configuration property item used with the 'CfgProperties' (or 'AppletProperties') class.
CfgPropItem.ItemGroupSelector Class ItemGroupSelector defines a run-time-configurable group selector for 'CfgPropItem' objects.
CfgPropValidator Class CfgPropValidator defines a configuration property validator object used with the 'CfgPropItem' class.
CircularBuffer Class CircularBuffer implements a circular buffer.
ClientLogViaCfgProps Class ClientLogViaCfgProps creates a log file using 'CfgPropItem' objects.
DataChgdListenerSupport Class DataChgdListenerSupport is a support class for managing a list of 'DataChangedListener' objects.
DupJarLauncher Class DupJarLauncher is a launcher for a "secondary" program to be run out of a jar duplicated from an original jar.
ErrorMessageMgr Class ErrorMessageMgr manages an error message string.
ExtendedArchiveManager Class ExtendedArchiveManager extends an archive manager to support: optional queuing of archive items.
ExtendedArchiveManager.AbstractWorkerThread Class AbstractWorkerThread is a general worker thread for archive managers.
ExtendedArchiveManager.ArchiveItemWorkerThread Class ArchiveItemWorkerThread fetches items from the queue and adds them to the archive.
ExtendedArchiveManager.PurgeWorkerThread Class PurgeWorkerThread purges items from the archive.
ExtensionFileFilter Extension file filter.
FifoHashtable Class FifoHashtable is a version of the HashTable class which can return its elements in the same order as they were entered.
FileDataMonitor Class FileDataMonitor reads in the data from a file and then monitors the file for changes.
FileDownloader Class FileDownloader downloads a file with optional dialogs.
FileMonPollingThread Class FileMonPollingThread defines a thread for monitoring a file via a 'FileDataMonitor' object.
FileProcessor Class FileProcessor helper class for processing a text input file into a text output file.
FileToByteArray Class FileToByteArray is a utility to read an input file and convert its data into a byte array in a ".java" file.
FileUtils Class FileUtils contains various static utility methods for handling files.
FlatDailyArchiveManager Class FlatDailyArchiveManager is an extension of ArchiveManager that uses a single file for each day, all stored in a single directory.
HeartbeatFile Class HeartbeatFile defines a utility that generates a heartbeat // file that can be used to determine if the program is running.
HtmlUtilFns Class HtmlUtilFns contains various static HTML utility methods.
IstiEncryptionUtils Class IstiEncryptionUtils contains a collection of static utility fields and methods for encryption.
IstiEpoch IstiEpoch is a class that is used to help convert from IstiEpochs (either longs or doubles) into GregorianCalendar
IstiEpochComparator IstiEpoch is a class that is used to help convert from IstiEpochs (either longs or doubles) into GregorianCalendar
IstiEventListenerList Class IstiEventListenerList defines an event listener list.
IstiFileFilter A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type files that it knows about.
IstiLocale Class IstiLocale extends a Locale to add additional functionality.
IstiMessageCachedArchive Class IstiMessageCachedArchive implements an ArchiveManager with a front-end cache.
IstiMessageCachedArchive.BasicArchivableMsgObjEntry Abstract class BasicArchivableMsgObjEntry is an extension of the message- object-entry class that also implements the 'Archivable' interface.
IstiMessageObjectCache Class IstiMessageObjectCache implements a message object cache.
IstiMessageObjectCache.BasicMessageObjectEntry Message object entry class.
IstiNamedValue Class IstiNamedValue defines a named value object.
IstiNotifyThread Class IstiThread extends 'Thread' to add wait/notify and terminate functionality.
IstiSound Class IstiSound is a sound utility class that manages a sound 'Clip' object.
IstiThread Class IstiThread extends a thread to add additional functionality and to ensure the thread is given a name.
IstiTimeObjectCache Class IstiTimeObjectCache implements the time object cache.
IstiTimeObjectCache.BasicTimeObjectEntry Basic time object entry.
IstiTimeObjectCache.CacheInformation Class CacheInformation holds information about the cache.
IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount Subclass of Vector that also holds a 'count' value.
IstiTimeRange Title:
IstiVersion Class IstiVersion describes a particular version of something: a product, API, etc.
IstiXmlLoader Class IstiMenuLoader implements a XML file loader.
IstiXMLOutputter Class IstiXMLOutputter extends the 'XMLOutputter' class to add additional functionality.
IstiXmlUtils Class IstiXmlUtils implements utilities for XML.
IstiXmlUtils.RootElement Root element.
KeyedTreeTable Class KeyedTreeTable defines a "keyed" tree-table where any number of 'value' objects may be associated with a 'key' object.
KeyedTreeTable.TimedValueBlock Class TimedValueBlock defines a block that holds a 'value' object, a timestamp, and a reference to a 'List' object.
LaunchBrowser Class LaunchBrowser contains methods for launching browser windows.
LineProcOutputStream Title: LineProcOutputStream
ListComparator Class ListComparator implements a comparator that determines order using a given list of objects.
LogFile Class LogFile provides log file output services.
LogFileViaCfgProps Class LogFileViaCfgProps creates a log file using 'CfgPropItem' objects.
LogOutputStream Class LogOutputStream defines an output stream that sends data to a LogFile object.
Math10 Title:
MeasurementUnits Class MeasurementUnits contains various methods and // constants for measurement units.
MemoryInfoLogger Class MemoryInfoLogger defines a debugging utility that generates periodic log messages showing information about memory usage in a program.
MiscTests Class MiscTests is a holder for miscellaneous 'isti.util' tests.
ModBoolean Class ModBoolean is a 'Boolean'-like wrapper class which holds a modifiable boolean value and implements the Comparable interface.
ModIterator Class ModIterator is a modified version of an iterator that uses less resources when only one item is available and that can (optionally) use a copy of the given list for iteration, allowing the list to be structurally modified while being iterated through.
MsgViaFileProcessor Class defines a message-via-file processor.
MsgViaFileProcessor.ViaFileProperties Class ViaFileProperties manages a set of configuration property items used with the 'MsgViaFileProcessor' class.
NullOutputStream Class NullOutputStream implements an output stream that discards data.
PrefixFileFilter Prefix file filter.
PrintfFormat A class for formatting numbers that follows printf conventions.
ProcessUtilFns Class ProcessUtilFns contains various static utility methods for working with processes.
ProgramSingleton Class ProgramSingleton manages a "program singleton" file used to determine if another instance of the given program is already running.
PropItem Class PropItem defines a property item object.
Restarter Title:
SimplePropsParser Class SimplePropsParser is a simple parser for a string of name=value property items.
SortedProperties Class SortedProperties extends Properties to add sorting.
SpecificFileFilter Single file filter.
StreamTransferThread Stream transfer thread.
TagValueTable Class TagValueTable defines a table where each entry contains a a tag string and a mutable integer value.
TagValueTable.MutableLong Class MutableLong defines a long integer value that may be modified.
TagValueTrkTable Class TagValueTrkTable defines a table where each entry contains a a tag string and a mutable integer value.
ThreadLogger Class ThreadLogger defines a debugging utility that generates periodic log messages showing information about the current threads running in a program.
TimeEventQueue Class TimeEventQueue defines a queue of time-event values.
TimestampOutputStream Class TimestampOutputStream is an output stream filter that adds a timestamp of the current time in front of each line.
TimeUnits Time Units (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day)
TwoObjectMatcher Class TwoObjectMatcher manages a set of object pairs and provides a fast comparison match vs.
TwoStringBlock Class TwoStringBlock defines a data block containing two String object handles.
UnsyncFifoHashtable Class UnsyncFifoHashtable is a version of the 'FifoHashTable' class that is not thread synchronized.
UrlAuthenticator URL Authenticator
URLRefDecoder Class URLRefDecoder is a modified version of 'URLDecoder' that has a single-string 'encode()' method that is not deprecated.
URLRefEncoder Class URLRefEncoder is a modified version of 'URLEncoder' that translates a space to "%20" (instead of "+") and has a single-string 'encode()' method that is not deprecated.
UtilFns Class UtilFns contains various static utility methods.
ValueTimeBlock Class ValueTimeBlock defines a data block containing a parameter value object and a timestamp value.
VectorSet Class VectorSet extends the "Vector" class to support the "Set" interface.
WildcardFilter Wildcard file filter.
WriterOutputStream Class WriterOutputStream converts a 'Writer' to an 'OutputStream'.
XmlConfigLoader Class XmlConfigLoader defines a loader for reading configuration-property settings from an XML-format input file.
ZipFileUtils Class ZipFileUtils contains various static utility methods for working with ZIP files.

Package com.isti.util Description

Various utility classes created to support Java programs.