Class IstiTimeObjectCache

  extended by com.isti.util.IstiTimeObjectCache
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IstiTimeObjectCache
extends java.lang.Object

Class IstiTimeObjectCache implements the time object cache. The 'removeOldObjects()' method should be called on a periodic basis to remove old objects from the cache.

Nested Class Summary
static class IstiTimeObjectCache.BasicTimeObjectEntry
          Basic time object entry.
static class IstiTimeObjectCache.CacheInformation
          Class CacheInformation holds information about the cache.
static interface IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry
          Time object entry
static class IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount
          Subclass of Vector that also holds a 'count' value.
Field Summary
protected  long defaultRemoveAge
protected  long lastMsgTimeTracker
protected  LogFile logObj
protected  int maximumObjectCount
protected  long maximumTotalDataSize
protected  FifoHashtable objectCache
protected  long tolerance
protected  long totalCacheDataSize
protected  boolean useLookupKeyFlag
Constructor Summary
IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj, long tolerance)
          Constructs a time object cache.
IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj, long tolerance, boolean useLookupKeyFlag)
          Constructs a time object cache.
IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj, long tolerance, long removeAge)
          Constructs a time object cache with a default remove age.
IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj, long tolerance, long removeAge, boolean useLookupKeyFlag)
          Constructs a time object cache with a default remove age.
Method Summary
 void add(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
          Adds the time object entry.
 void add(long timeGenerated, java.lang.Object dataObj, java.lang.String keyStr)
          Adds the time entry.
protected  void checkRemoveViaTotalDataSize()
          Checks if the total-data size for the cache is above the 'maximumTotalDataSize' limit and, if so, removes entries until the total-data size is under the limit.
 void clearCache()
          Clears all entries in the cache.
 void close()
          Deallocates resources associated with the cache.
 boolean containsEntry(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
          Returns true if the cache contains an entry equal to the given entry-object.
 boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object keyObj)
          Returns true if the cache contains an entry with a 'keyStr' equal to the given object.
 boolean containsObjectKey(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
          Returns true if the cache contains an entry with a 'keyStr' equal to the 'keyStr' for the given entry-object.
 java.util.Vector getAllObjects()
          Retrieves a copy of all of the objects.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.CacheInformation getCacheInformation()
          Returns information about the cache.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getFirstObject()
          Returns the first object in the cache.
 java.util.Vector getFirstObjects(int numObjects)
          Retrieves a copy of the first 'n' objects.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getLastObject()
          Returns the last object in the cache.
 LogFile getLogFile()
          Returns the log file.
protected  java.lang.String getLogPrefixString()
          Gets the prefix to use for log output.
 int getMaximumObjectCount()
          Returns the maximum-object count for the cache.
 long getMaximumTotalDataSize()
          Returns the maximum-total-data size for the cache.
 int getMessageCount()
          Returns the number of objects in the cache.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getNewerObjects(long time)
          Retrieves a copy of objects that are newer or equal to the specified time.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getNewerObjects(long time, int maxCount)
          Retrieves a copy of objects that are newer or equal to the specified time.
protected  IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getObject(int index)
          Returns the entry at the given index.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getObjects(long beginTime, long endTime)
          Retrieves a copy of objects in the specified time range (inclusive).
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getObjects(long beginTime, long endTime, int maxCount)
          Retrieves a copy of objects in the specified time range (inclusive).
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getOlderObjects(long time)
          Retrieves a copy of objects that are older or equal to the specified time.
 IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getOlderObjects(long time, int maxCount)
          Retrieves a copy of objects that are older or equal to the specified time.
 long getTotalCacheDataSize()
          Returns the total-data size for the cache.
 boolean getUseLookupKeyFlag()
          Returns the 'useLookupKeyFlag' flag value.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns the status of whether or not the cache is empty.
 boolean removeOldObjects()
          Removes old objects from the cache with the default remove age.
 boolean removeOldObjects(long removeAge)
          Removes old objects using the specified remove age.
 void setDefaultRemoveAge(long ageVal)
          Sets the remove-age value used by the no-parameter version of 'removeOldObjects()'.
 void setMaximumObjectCount(int val)
          Sets the maximum-object count for the cache.
 void setMaximumTotalDataSize(long val)
          Sets the maximum-total-data size for the cache.
 int size()
          Returns the number of entries in the cache.
protected  IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount subListVector(long beginTime, long endTime, int maxCount)
          Retrieves a sub list of objects.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final LogFile logObj


protected final boolean useLookupKeyFlag


protected long tolerance


protected long defaultRemoveAge


protected int maximumObjectCount


protected long maximumTotalDataSize


protected long totalCacheDataSize


protected final FifoHashtable objectCache


protected long lastMsgTimeTracker
Constructor Detail


public IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj,
                           long tolerance,
                           long removeAge,
                           boolean useLookupKeyFlag)
Constructs a time object cache with a default remove age.

logObj - log file object to use or null for no logging.
tolerance - number of milliseconds for time tolerance that is used with time checks
removeAge - number of milliseconds to keep objects in the cache or 0 for no default.
useLookupKeyFlag - true to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key (which forces cache entries to have unique "keyStr" values).


public IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj,
                           long tolerance,
                           long removeAge)
Constructs a time object cache with a default remove age. The cache is setup to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key (which forces cache entries to have unique "keyStr" values).

logObj - log file object to use or null for no logging.
tolerance - number of milliseconds for time tolerance that is used with time checks
removeAge - number of milliseconds to keep objects in the cache or 0 for no default.


public IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj,
                           long tolerance,
                           boolean useLookupKeyFlag)
Constructs a time object cache.

logObj - log file object to use or null for no logging.
tolerance - number of milliseconds for time tolerance that is used with time checks
useLookupKeyFlag - true to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key (which forces cache entries to have unique "keyStr" values).


public IstiTimeObjectCache(LogFile logObj,
                           long tolerance)
Constructs a time object cache. The cache is setup to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key (which forces cache entries to have unique "keyStr" values).

logObj - log file object to use or null for no logging.
tolerance - number of milliseconds for time tolerance that is used with time checks
Method Detail


public void add(long timeGenerated,
                java.lang.Object dataObj,
                java.lang.String keyStr)
Adds the time entry.

timeGenerated - the time the message was generated
dataObj - data object.
keyStr - message string.


public java.util.Vector getAllObjects()
Retrieves a copy of all of the objects.

A new vector of objects (TimeObjectEntry).


public java.util.Vector getFirstObjects(int numObjects)
Retrieves a copy of the first 'n' objects.

numObjects - the maximum number of objects to return.
A new vector of objects (TimeObjectEntry).


public IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getFirstObject()
Returns the first object in the cache.

The first ('TimeObjectEntry') object in the cache, or null if the cache is empty.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getLastObject()
Returns the last object in the cache.

The last ('TimeObjectEntry') object in the cache, or null if the cache is empty.


public LogFile getLogFile()
Returns the log file.

the log file object.


public boolean getUseLookupKeyFlag()
Returns the 'useLookupKeyFlag' flag value.

true if the "keyStr" parameter is to be used (when adding) as a table-lookup key (which forces cache entries to have unique "keyStr" values); false if not.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getNewerObjects(long time,
                                                           int maxCount)
Retrieves a copy of objects that are newer or equal to the specified time.

time - time in milliseconds included, false otherwise
maxCount - the maximum number of objects to be returned, or 0 for no limit.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getNewerObjects(long time)
Retrieves a copy of objects that are newer or equal to the specified time.

time - time in milliseconds included, false otherwise
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getObjects(long beginTime,
                                                      long endTime,
                                                      int maxCount)
Retrieves a copy of objects in the specified time range (inclusive).

beginTime - begin time in milliseconds or 0 for start of cache
endTime - end time in milliseconds or 0 for end of cache.
maxCount - the maximum number of objects to be returned, or 0 for no limit.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getObjects(long beginTime,
                                                      long endTime)
Retrieves a copy of objects in the specified time range (inclusive).

beginTime - begin time in milliseconds or 0 for start of cache
endTime - end time in milliseconds or 0 for end of cache.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getOlderObjects(long time,
                                                           int maxCount)
Retrieves a copy of objects that are older or equal to the specified time.

time - time in milliseconds.
maxCount - the maximum number of objects to be returned, or 0 for no limit.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount getOlderObjects(long time)
Retrieves a copy of objects that are older or equal to the specified time.

time - time in milliseconds.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public boolean removeOldObjects(long removeAge)
Removes old objects using the specified remove age.

removeAge - number of milliseconds to keep objects in the cache.
true if any objects were removed; false if no objects were removed.


public boolean removeOldObjects()
Removes old objects from the cache with the default remove age.

true if any objects were removed; false if no objects were removed.


protected void checkRemoveViaTotalDataSize()
Checks if the total-data size for the cache is above the 'maximumTotalDataSize' limit and, if so, removes entries until the total-data size is under the limit. The thread-synchronization object for the cache should be held by the caller of this method.


public void clearCache()
Clears all entries in the cache.


public void setDefaultRemoveAge(long ageVal)
Sets the remove-age value used by the no-parameter version of 'removeOldObjects()'.

ageVal - the remove-age values to use, in milliseconds.


public void setMaximumObjectCount(int val)
Sets the maximum-object count for the cache. When the 'removeOldObjects()' method is called the cache size will be trimmed to this value as needed.

val - the maximum-object count for the cache, or 0 for no maximum-object count limit (the default).


public int getMaximumObjectCount()
Returns the maximum-object count for the cache. When the 'removeOldObjects()' method is called the cache size will be trimmed to this value as needed.

The maximum-object count for the cache, or 0 for no maximum-object count limit (the default).


public void setMaximumTotalDataSize(long val)
Sets the maximum-total-data size for the cache. To calculate the total-data size the 'setDataSize()' method needs to have been called on each cache object. When the 'removeOldObjects()' method is called the cache size will be trimmed until the total-data size is under this value as needed.

val - the maximum-total-data size for the cache, or 0 for no maximum-total-data size limit (the default).


public long getMaximumTotalDataSize()
Returns the maximum-total-data size for the cache. To calculate the total-data size the 'setDataSize()' method needs to have been called on each cache object. When the 'removeOldObjects()' method is called the cache size will be trimmed until the total-data size is under this value as needed.

The maximum-total-data size for the cache, or 0 for no maximum-total-data size limit (the default).


public long getTotalCacheDataSize()
Returns the total-data size for the cache. To calculate the total-data size the 'setDataSize()' method needs to have been called on each cache object.

The total-data size for the cache.


public int getMessageCount()
Returns the number of objects in the cache.

The number of objects in the cache.


public IstiTimeObjectCache.CacheInformation getCacheInformation()
Returns information about the cache.

A new 'CacheInformation' object.


public void add(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
Adds the time object entry.

entryObj - time-entry object.


public boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object keyObj)
Returns true if the cache contains an entry with a 'keyStr' equal to the given object. For this method to work the cache must have been constructed setup to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key.

keyObj - the key object to use.
true if the cache contains a matching object; false if not.


public boolean containsObjectKey(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
Returns true if the cache contains an entry with a 'keyStr' equal to the 'keyStr' for the given entry-object. For this method to work the cache must have been constructed setup to use the "keyStr" parameter (when adding) as a table-lookup key.

entryObj - the entry-object to use.
true if the cache contains a matching object; false if not.


public boolean containsEntry(IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry entryObj)
Returns true if the cache contains an entry equal to the given entry-object.

entryObj - the entry-object to use.
true if the cache contains a matching object; false if not.


public int size()
Returns the number of entries in the cache.

The number of entries in the cache.


public boolean isEmpty()
Returns the status of whether or not the cache is empty.

true if the cache is empty, false if not.


protected java.lang.String getLogPrefixString()
Gets the prefix to use for log output.

the prefix to use for log output.


protected IstiTimeObjectCache.TimeObjectEntry getObject(int index)
Returns the entry at the given index.

index - index of the entry.
The entry object.
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is negative or not less than the current size of the cache.


protected IstiTimeObjectCache.VectorWithCount subListVector(long beginTime,
                                                            long endTime,
                                                            int maxCount)
Retrieves a sub list of objects. The thread-sychronization lock for 'objectCache' should be held before this method is used.

beginTime - minimum time (in milliseconds, inclusive) for returned objects, or 0 for start of cache.
endTime - maximum time (in milliseconds, inclusive) for returned objects, or 0 for end of cache.
maxCount - the maximum number of objects to be returned, or 0 for no limit.
A new 'VectorWithCount' of 'TimeObjectEntry' objects that also holds the requested number of items in its 'count' field.


public void close()
Deallocates resources associated with the cache.